Obsèques de Pierre Semard, héros de la liberté
Other title(s): Funeral of Pierre Semard, freedom hero
Genre: Newsreel
Year: 1945
Runtime: 00:10:00
Description: Paris, March 10, 1945: from the Gare de Lyon to the Père Lachaise cemetery, the funeral of Pierre Semard, shot by the Germans on March 7, 1942. Raymond Tournemaine, general secretary of the C.G.T. Federation of Railway Workers, paid tribute to the deceased, mentioning, among other things, his role in the 1920 strike; he also quoted the letter attributed to Pierre Semard in which he reiterated his confidence in Stalin and in the Red Army. Gaston Monmousseau in turn speaks of the former secretary general of the Federation of Railway Workers and emphasizes his gifts of analysis and eloquence, of agitator and educator. After the Internationale and the raising of the body (the coffin is carried by four railway workers), we witness the slow procession of the crowd to the cemetery. The red flags, the tricolored flags and the union banners are all crossed with a black crepe. At the head of the procession, a huge portrait of Pierre Semard carried by eight railway workers in work attire. Behind the hearse and the family (where Pierre Semard's brother can be recognized), follows the delegation of the Central Committee (André Marty, Maurice Thorez, Jacques Duclos...). At Père Lachaise, according to the commentary, tens of thousands of people marched past the grave of the trade union and communist leader, located near the graves of Paul Vaillant-Couturier and Henri Barbusse. We see a banner of the ARAC (Association Républicaine des Anciens Combattants), a wreath offered by "La coopérative des porteurs de Saint Lazare" (the Saint Lazare bearers' cooperative) and the presence of Etienne Fajon, alongside the communist leaders, in the tribune that dominates the parade. Pierre Semard, Hero of Freedom inaugurates the numerous tributes that the labor movement will dedicate to the memory of the communist and trade unionist leader.
Keywords: 1939-1945 Seconde Guerre mondiale / Association Républicaine des Anciens Combattants / Confédération Générale du Travail / France Nouvelle (revue) / Funérailles / Hommage / city center / cemetery / train station / day / politician / crowd / square / street / car / funeral / speech / parade / facade / communism / anti-fascism / union / VICTOR-E project / Maurice Thorez / Jacques Duclos / Pierre Semard / Raymond Tournemaine / Gaston Monmousseau / André Marty / Étienne Fajon / France
Provider: Ciné-Archives
Rights: In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted / Ciné-Archives
Colour: Black & White
Director: Anonymous
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Language: fr